28 x 41cm, Acrylic on Muslin
Today I donated 600 USD to the Malala Fund on behalf of my business. 10% of all sales I make are forwarded to this cause.
Why Malala?
Courage ❤️ a necessary ingredient to counter the expectations and pressures limiting us from living the lives we truly desire.
At fifteen years old Malala had the courage to put her life on the line for what she believed in. That she and other girls should be able to go to school. The Taliban targeted her on the bus one day, she was shot in the face and miraculously survived.
Life for girls in the third world is pretty hard to imagine.
From the Malala Fund:
“Over the last 20 years, advances for girls’ education in Afghanistan have meant that more young women have been able to go to school and realise their ambitions for the future. But that progress — and those dreams — are now at risk.
The Taliban are back in control in Afghanistan. Thousands of girls may now be forced to marry or take on domestic labour. Young women who resist may be met with violent retribution.
We face new challenges in the fight to see every girl in school, but Malala Fund’s commitment to girls’ education remains the same. In Afghanistan and around the world: Every girl has the right to learn. Every girl has the right to safety and protection.
Our work is to see every girl learn and lead without fear.”
The remedy to fear? Courage ❤️
This painting is available for purchase here.
